Watchman Willie Martin Archive

������������������� Boston Sustain Arguments Against Aid to Israel

������ ������������I. Israeli violations of the objectives of the US Foreign Aid

������������������� Program:

������������������� In relation to the Middle East, the US aid program supports

������������������� peace, stability, democratization, and ending refugee

������������������� situations.

������������������� The following details on all four objectives show Israeli

������������������� disregard for these objectives.

������������������� 1. Stability:

��������������������� A.The occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories has destabilized the

������������������������ region for over 35 years. By US and International laws, the occupation is

������������������������ illegal.

��������������������� B.The US has sided with UN and all other international organizations

������������������������ condemning the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and

������������������������ the Golan Heights as illegal and in violation of international laws, and has

������������������������ demanded withdrawal from all occupied territories.

��������������������� C.The US does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over East Jerusalem, or all

������������������������ alterations to the status of the city introduced by Israel since 1967.

��������������������� D.The US considers all settlements in the occupied territories illegal and has

������������������������ demanded its removal.

������������������� 2. Peace:

������������������� Right wing partners in the Sharon coalition government are

������������������� opposed to the peace process with the Palestinians. The

������������������� Sharon government's practices of land confiscation, house

������������������� demolition, and building more settlements show that peace

������������������� is not a priority.

���� ��������������3. Democratization:

��������������������� A.Israel is a democracy, but for Jews only. Especially, Israeli Arabs do not

������������������������ enjoy the legal status or the civil liberties Jews enjoy. Discrimination against

�������������� ����������Arabs is a policy followed by successive Israeli governments.

��������������������� B.The existing of troubling racist practices in the occupied territories, such land

������������������������ confiscation, house demolishing, segregation of Arab villages by networks of

������������������������ settlements and over‑passes available to Jews only. Such practices are

������������������������ documented by responsible International bodies and Israeli human rights

������������������������ organizations.

������������������� 4. Ending Refugee Situations:

������������������� Israel has aggravated the problem of refugees. House

������������������� demolition, confiscation of Palestinian land, rejection of the

������������������� right of return for generations of Palestinians made

������������������� refugees since 1948.

������������������� [Back to summary]

������������������� II. Israeli violations of the conditions of the US Foreign Aid

������������������� Program:

������������������� Several of the conditions for granting aid are not met by

������������������� Israel. The US Aid program states that aid is to be given if

������������������� Israel takes action or meets conditions in keeping with US

������������������� policies:

�������������������� �1.The US can withhold aid if Israel continues building settlements in Arab

������������������������ occupied territories. The settlements have nearly doubled since the Oslo

������������������������ accords, but, ironically, aid to Israel has increased.

��������������������� 2.Economic conditions for aid have not been met by Israel. Israel has not

������������������������ made necessary economic reforms, such as: privatization of government

������������������������ owned enterprises; cutting subsidies for housing in the occupied territories;

������������������������ and implementing austerity measures.

��������������������� 3.Part of the Aid funds is loans that should be repaid. Military aid to Israel is

������������������������ labeled "Loans," but Israel usually does not repay. Repayments are

������������������������ "waived." Israel prefers loans she does not repay over "grants" funds which

������������������������ come with conditions: US military overseeing the grants program. Israel, in

������������ ������������other words, gets grants without US supervision.

������������������� [Back to summary]

������������������� III. Israeli misuse of Aid funds:

������������������� The US has investigated several Israeli instances of misuse

������������������ �of aid funds without taking action against Israel:

��������������������� 1.Israel has used Aid money in the occupied territories, especially in building

������������������������ settlements.

��������������������� 2.Israel has used weapons for non‑defensive purposes, and the conditions for

������������������������ military aid state. US government has investigated Israeli violations in 1978,

������������������������ 1979, 1981, 1982, and most recently 2001, when helicopter gunships were

���������������� ��������used in assassinating Palestinian leaders, and when f‑16 fighters were used in

������������������������ bombing Palestinian civilian buildings.

��������������������� 3.Israel has transferred technology without US approval. Israel has been

������ �����������������transferring technology for decades, giving weapons and technology to

������������������������ China, South Africa, Chile, Ethiopia, and other countries.

������������������� [Back to summary]

������������������� IV. Israel's engagement in espionage affairs in the US:

������������������� In violation of aid conditions, Israel has engaged in

������������������� espionage in the US that targets military and civilian

������������������� technology. The two cases of Richard Smyth (1985) and

������������������� Jonathan Pollard (1985) both indicted on charges of selling

������������������� prohibited technology (Smyth) or classified information

������������������� (Pollard).

������������������� Other cases have confirmed Israel has been spying on the

������������������� US consistently with relative impunity. In 1986, an Illinois

������������������� company complained of Israeli attempts to steal data on

������������������� aerial reconnaissance cameras, and an engineer at a

��������������� ����military testing facility in Michigan admitted he gave

������������������� classified material to Israel in the period of 1987‑1997.

������������������� [Back to summary]

UN Resolutions Against Israel,

���������� 1955‑1992

���������� (Findley's Deliberate Deceptions, 1998 pages 188 ‑ 192)

���������� 1. Resolution 106: "... 'condemns' Israel for Gaza raid"

���������� 2. Resolution 111: "...'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed

���������� fifty‑six people"

���������� 3. Resolution 127: "...'recommends' Israel suspend its 'no‑man's

���������� zone' in Jerusalem"

���������� 4. Resolution 162: "...'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions"

���������� 5. Resolution 171: "...determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its

���������� attack on Syria"

���������� 6. Resolution 228: "...'censures' Israel for its attack on Samu in the

���������� West Bank, then under Jordanian control"

���������� 7. Resolution 237: "...'urges' Israel to allow return of new 1967

���������� Palestinian refugees"

���������� 8. Resolution 248: "... 'condemns' Israel for its massive attack on

���������� Karameh in Jordan"

���������� 9. Resolution 250: "... 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding

���������� military parade in Jerusalem"

���������� 10. Resolution 251: "... 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in

���������� Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250"

���������� 11. Resolution 252: "...'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify

���������� Jerusalem as Jewish capital"

���������� 12. Resolution 256: "... 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan as

���������� 'flagrant

���������� violation""

���������� 13. Resolution 259: "...'deplores' Israel's refusal to accept UN

���������� mission to probe occupation"

���������� 14. Resolution 262: "...'condemns' Israel for attack on Beirut airport"

���������� 15. Resolution 265: "... 'condemns' Israel for air attacks for Salt in

���������� Jordan"

���������� 16. Resolution 267: "...'censures' Israel for administrative acts to

���������� change the status of Jerusalem"

���������� 17. Resolution 270: "...'condemns' Israel for air attacks on villages in

���������� southern Lebanon"

���������� 18. Resolution 271: "...'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN

���������� resolutions on Jerusalem"

�������� ��19. Resolution 279: "...'demands' withdrawal of Israeli forces from

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 20. Resolution 280: "....'condemns' Israeli's attacks against Lebanon"

���������� 21. Resolution 285: "...'demands' immediate Israeli withdrawal form

��������� Lebanon"

���������� 22. Resolution 298: "...'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of

���������� Jerusalem"

���������� 23. Resolution 313: "...'demands' that Israel stop attacks against

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 24. Resolution 316: "...'condemns' Israel for repeated attacks on

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 25. Resolution 317: "...'deplores' Israel's refusal to release Arabs

���������� abducted in Lebanon"

���������� 26. Resolution 332: "...'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks against

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 27. Resolution 337: "...'condemns' Israel for violating Lebanon's

���������� sovereignty"

���������� 28. Resolution 347: "...'condemns' Israeli attacks on Lebanon"

���������� 29. Resolution 425: "...'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces from

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 30. Resolution 427: "...'calls' on Israel to complete its withdrawal

���������� from Lebanon'

���������� 31. Resolution 444: "...'deplores' Israel's lack of cooperation with

���������� UN peacekeeping forces"

���������� 32. Resolution 446: "...'determines' that Israeli settlements are a

���������� 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the

���������� Fourth Geneva Convention"

���������� 33. Resolution 450: "...'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon"

���������� 34. Resolution 452: "...'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements

���������� in occupied territories"

���������� 35. Resolution 465: "...'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all

���������� member states not to assist Israel's settlements program"

���������� 36. Resolution 467: "...'strongly deplores' Israel's military

���������� intervention in Lebanon"

���������� 37. Resolution 468: "...'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions

�� �������of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return"

���������� 38. Resolution 469: "...'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to observe

���������� the council's order not to deport Palestinians"

���������� 39. Resolution 471: "... 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to

���������� abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"

���������� 40. Resolution 476: "... 'reiterates' that Israel's claims to Jerusalem

���������� are 'null and void'"

���������� 41. Resolution 478: "...'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for

���������� its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'"

���������� 42. Resolution 484: "...'declares it imperative' that Israel re‑admit

���������� two deported Palestinian mayors"

���������� 43. Resolution 487: "...'strongly condemns' Israel for its attack on

���������� Iraq's nuclear facility"

���������� 44. Resolution 497: "...'decides' that Israel's annexation of Syria's

���������� Golan Heights is 'null and void' and demands that Israel rescind its

�� �������decision forthwith"

���������� 45. Resolution 498: "...'calls' on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon"

���������� 46. Resolution 501: "...'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against

���������� Lebanon and withdraw its troops"

���������� 47. Resolution 509: "...'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces

���������� forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon"

���������� 48. Resolution 515: "...'demands' that Israel lift its siege of Beirut

���������� and allow food supplies to be brought in"

���������� 49. Resolution 517: "...'censures' Israel for failing to obey UN

���������� resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from

���������� Lebanon"

���������� 50. Resolution 518: "...'demands' that Israel cooperate fully with UN

���������� forces in Lebanon"

���������� 51. Resolution 520: "...'condemns' Israel's attack into West Beirut"

���������� 52. Resolution 573: "...'condemns' Israel 'vigorously' for bombing

���������� Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters

���������� 53. Resolution 587: "...'takes note' of previous calls on Israel to

���������� withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw"

���������� 54. Resolution 592: "...'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian

���������� students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops"

���������� 55. Resolution 605: "...'strongly deplores' Israel's policies and

���������� practices denying the human rights of Palestinians

���������� 56. Resolution 607: "...'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians and

�������� ��strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

���������� 57. Resolution 608: "...'deeply regrets' that Israel has defied the

���������� United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians"

���������� 58. Resolution 636: "...'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of

���������� Palestinian civilians

���������� 59. Resolution 641: "...'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of

���������� Palestinians

���������� 60. Resolution 672: "...'condemns' Israel for violence against

���������� Palestinians at the Haram al‑Sharif/Temple Mount

���������� 61. Resolution 673: "...'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with

���������� the United Nations

���������� 62. Resolution 681: "...'deplores' Israel's resumption of the

���������� deportation of Palestinians

���������� 63. Resolution 694: "...'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

���������� and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return

���������� 64. Resolution 726: "...'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of

�� �������Palestinians

���������� 65. Resolution 799: "...'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of

���������� 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

���������� The following are the resolutions vetoed by the United States during

������ ���the period of September, 1972, to May, 1990 to protect Israel from

���������� council criticism:

���������� 1. Condemned Israel's attack against Southern against

���������� southern Lebanon and Syria..."

���������� 2. ....affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to

���������� self‑determination, statehood and equal protections..."

���������� 3. ...condemned Israel's air strikes and attacks in southern Lebanon

���������� and its murder of innocent civilians..."

���������� 4. ....called for self‑determination of Palestinian people..."

���������� 5. ....deplored Israel's altering of the status of Jerusalem, which is

���������� recognized as an international city by most world nations and the

���������� United Nations..."

���������� 6. ....affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people..."

���������� 7. ....endorsed self‑determination for the Palestinian people..."

���������� 8. ....demanded Israel's withdrawal from the Golan Heights..."

���������� 9. ....condemned Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied

���������� West Bank and Gaza Strip and its refusal to abide by the Geneva

���������� convention protocols of civilized nations..."

���������� 10. ....condemned an Israeli soldier who shot eleven Moslem

���������� worshippers >at the Haram al‑Sharif/Temple Mount near Al‑Aqsa

���������� Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem..."

���������� 11. ....urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its

���������� invasion of Lebanon..."

���������� 12. ....urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its

���������� invasion of Beirut..."

���������� 14. ....urged cutoff of economic aid to Israel if it refused to withdraw

���������� from its occupation of Lebanon..."

���������� 15. ....condemned continued Israeli settlements in occupied

���������� territories

���������� in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, denouncing them as an obstacle to

���������� peace..."

���������� 16. ....deplores Israel's brutal massacre of Arabs in Lebanon and

���������� urges its withdrawal..."

���������� 17. ....condemned Israeli brutality in southern Lebanon and

���������� denounced the Israeli 'Iron Fist' policy of repression...."

���������� 18. ....denounced Israel's violation of human rights in the occupied

��������� �territories..."

���������� 19. ....deplored Israel's violence in southern Lebanon..."

���������� 20. ....deplored Israel's activities in occupied Arab East Jerusalem

���������� that threatened the sanctity of Muslim holy sites..."

���������� 21. ....condemned Israel's hijacking of a Libyan passenger

���������� airplane..."

���������� 22. ....deplored Israel's attacks against Lebanon and its measures

���������� and practices against the civilian population of Lebanon..."

���������� 23. ....called on Israel to abandon its policies against the Palestinian

���������� intifada that violated the rights of occupied Palestinians, to abide by

���������� the Fourth Geneva Conventions, and to formalize a leading role for

���������� the United Nations in future peace negotiations..."

���������� 24. ....urged Israel to accept back deported Palestinians,

���������� condemned

���������� Israel's shooting of civilians, called on Israel to uphold the Fourth

���������� Geneva Convention, and called for a peace settlement under UN

���������� auspices..."

���������� 25. ....condemned Israel's... incursion into Lebanon..."

���������� 26. ....deplored Israel's... commando raids on Lebanon..."

���������� 27. ....deplored Israel's repression of the Palestinian intifada and

���������� called on Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinians..."

���������� 28. ....deplored Israel's violation of the human rights of the

���������� Palestinians..."

���������� 29. ....demanded that Israel return property confiscated from

���������� Palestinians during a tax protest and allow a fact‑finding mission to

���������� observe Israel's crackdown on the Palestinian intifada..."

���������� 30. ...called for a fact‑finding mission on abuses against Palestinians

���������� in Israeli‑occupied lands..."

���������� ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

���������� Source: Paul Findley, Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About

���������� the US/Israeli Relationship (Chicago: Lawrence Hill, 1993).

����������������������������� ���������������������������������List of US

������������������������������������������������������������� Resolutions against


������ Israeli violations of UN resolutions

� Date:

������ Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:15:27 ‑0800

� From:

������ Meggie <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ Willie Martin <[email protected]>

����������������� Jews Against the Occupation

������������������������ UN Resolutions

� Palestinian Refugees have the right to return to their homes in Israel.

� General Assembly Resolution 194, Dec. 11, 1948

� "Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with

� their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that

� compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for

� loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity,

� should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."

� Israel's occupation of Palestine is Illegal.

� Security Council Resolution 242, Nov. 22, 1967

� Calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in the war that year

� and "the acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political

� independence of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure

� and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

� Israel's settlements in Palestine are Illegal.

� Security Council Resolution 446, March 22, 1979

� "Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the

� Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and

� constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace

� in the Middle East."

� Palestinian have the right to Self‑Determination.

� General Assembly Resolution 3236, November 22, 1974

� Affirms "the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in

� self‑determination without external interference" and "to national independence and

� sovereignty."

� Reaffirmation of a Palestinian State

� Security Council Resolution 1397, March 12, 2002

�Affirms "a vision of a region where two states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side

� within secure and recognized borders."

� Also see:

� UN General Assembly Resolution 181 ‑ the 1947 Partition plan of Palestine and the

� creation of Israel.

� International Humanitarian Law: the Geneva Conventions ‑ 150 years of international

� designated protection of civilians during wartime and Israel's explicit violations.

� History of the Palestinian Problem ‑ from the Division for Palestinian Rights, United

� Nations

� Countless More UN Resolutions on Israel ‑ 1955‑1992

� More UN Resolutions on Israel, 1955‑1992

� Resolution 106: condemns Israel for Gaza raid.

� Resolution 111: condemns Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty‑six people.

� Resolution 127: recommends Israel suspend its no‑man's zone' in Jerusalem.

� Resolution 162: urges Israel to comply with UN decisions.

� Resolution 171: determines flagrant violations by Israel in its attack on Syria.

� Resolution 228: censures Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under

� Jordanian control.

� Resolution 237: urges Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees.

� Resolution 248: condemns Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan.

� Resolution 250: calls on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem.

� Resolution 251: deeply deplores Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of

� Resolution 250.

� Resolution 252: declares invalid Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital.

� Resolution 256: condemns Israeli raids on Jordan as flagrant violation.

� Resolution 259: deplores Israel's refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation.

� Resolution 262: condemns Israel for attack on Beirut airport.

� Resolution 265: condemns Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan.

� Resolution 267: censures Israel for administrative acts to change the status of

� Jerusalem.

� Resolution 270: condemns Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon.

� Resolution 271: condemns Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem.

� Resolution 279: demands withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon.

� Resolution 280: condemns Israeli's attacks against Lebanon.

� Resolution 285: demands immediate Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

� Resolution 298: deplores Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem.

� Resolution 313: demands that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon.

� Resolution 316: condemns Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon.

� Resolution 317: deplores Israel's refusal to release.

� Resolution 332: condemns Israel's repeated attacks against Lebanon.

� Resolution 337: condemns Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty.

� Resolution 347: condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon.

� Resolution 425: calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.

� Resolution 427: calls on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon.

� Resolution 444: deplores Israel's lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces.

� Resolution 446: determines that Israeli settlements are a serious obstruction to peace

� and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

� Resolution 450: calls on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon.

� Resolution 452: calls on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories.

� Resolution 465: deplores Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to

� assist its settlements program.

� Resolution 467: strongly deplores Israel's military intervention in Lebanon.

� Resolution 468: calls on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors

� and a judge and to facilitate their return.

� Resolution 469: strongly deplores Israel's failure to observe the council's order not to

� deport Palestinians.

� Resolution 471: expresses deep concern at Israel's failure to abide by the Fourth

� Geneva Convention.

� Resolution 476: reiterates that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are null and void.

� Resolution 478: censures (Israel) in the strongest terms for its claim to Jerusalem in

� its Basic Law.

� Resolution 484: declares it imperative that Israel re‑admit two deported Palestinian

� mayors.

� Resolution 487: strongly condemns Israel for its attack on Iraq's nuclear facility.

� Resolution 497: decides that Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heights

� is null and void and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith.

� Resolution 498: calls on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon.

� Resolution 501: calls on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its

� troops.

� Resolution 509: demands that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally

� from Lebanon.

� Resolution 515: demands that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to

� be brought in.

� Resolution 517: censures Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that

� Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon.

� Resolution 518: demands that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon.

� Resolution 520: condemns Israel's attack into West Beirut.

� Resolution 573: condemns Israel vigorously for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO

� headquarters.

� Resolution 587: takes note of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from

� Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw.

� Resolution 592: strongly deplores the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit

� University by Israeli troops.

� Resolution 605: strongly deplores Israel's policies and practices denying the human

� rights of Palestinians.

� Resolution 607: calls on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to

� abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

� Resolution 608: deeply regrets that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported

� Palestinian civilians.

� Resolution 636: deeply regrets Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

� Resolution 641: deplores Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

� Resolution 672: condemns Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram

� Al‑Sharif/Temple Mount.

� Resolution 673: deplores Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

� Resolution 681: deplores Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

� Resolution 694: deplores Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure

� their safe and immediate return.

� Resolution 726: strongly condemns Israel's deportation of Palestinians.

� Resolution 799: strongly condemns Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls

� for their immediate return.


������ Comparing UN resolutions for Iraq and Israel

� Date:

������ Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:33:53 ‑0800

� From:

������ Meggie <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ Willie Martin <[email protected]>

������������������������������ Comparing Violations of UN Resolutions by Iraq and Israel

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����������������������������������������������� By Richard B. Du Boff

����������������������������������������������� [email protected]

������������������������������ ������������������������9/23/02

���������������������� IRAQ:

���������������������� UN Resolutions violated, ignored: 16

���������������������� Countries attacked, invaded, violated: Iran, Kuwait

���������������������� Countries occupied for years: NONE >Countries currently occupying: NONE

���������������������� Territory illegally annexed: NONE >Wars started: 1980, 1990

���������������������� Possesses weapons of mass destruction: To be determined

���������������������� Possesses nuclear weapons: No

���������������������� Most notable atrocity against civilians: 5,000 Kurdish civilians were killed in the village of

���������������������� Halabja, March 1988

���������������������� Currently under a regime of UN sanctions: Yes

������������������� ���ISRAEL:

���������������������� UN Resolutions violated, ignored: 68

���������������������� Countries attacked, invaded, violated: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia

���������������������� Countries occupied for years: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria

���������������������� Countries currently occupying: Syria Territory illegally annexed: Golan Heights, Jerusalem,

���������������������� Palestinian Territories

���������������������� Wars started: 1956, 1967, 1982

���������������������� Possesses weapons of mass destruction: Yes

���������������������� Possesses nuclear weapons: Yes

���������������������� Most notable atrocity against civilians: 17,500 Lebanese civilians killed in 1982 invasion of

���������������������� Lebanon

������������� ���������Currently under a regime of UN sanctions: No

���������������������� UN Resolutions pertaining to Iraq: (16)

���������������������� UNSCR 678 ‑ November 29, 1990, UNSCR 686 ‑ March 2, 1991, UNSCR 687 ‑ April

���������� ������������3, 1991, UNSCR 688 ‑ April 5, 1991, UNSCR 707 ‑ August 15, 1991, UNSCR 715 ‑

���������������������� October 11, 1991, UNSCR 949 ‑ October 15, 1994, UNSCR 1051 ‑ March 27, 1996,

���������������������� UNSCR 1060 ‑ June 12, 1996, UNSCR 1115 ‑ June 21, 1997, UNSCR 1134 ‑ October

���������������������� 23, 1997, UNSCR 1137 ‑ November 12, 1997, UNSCR 1154 ‑ March 2, 1998,

���������������������� UNSCR 1194 ‑ September 9, 1998, UNSCR 1205 ‑ November 5, 1998, UNSCR 1284

���������������������� ‑ December 17, 1999.

���������������������� UN Resolutions pertaining to Israel: (68)

���������������������� UNSCR 42 (1948) of 5 March 1948 [Adopted at 263rd meeting (8‑0‑3) (3 abstentions

���������������������� were Argentina, Syria, United Kingdom)]

��������� �������������UNSCR 43 (1948) of 1 April 1948 [Adopted at 277th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 44 (1948) of 1 April 1948 [Adopted at 277th meeting (9‑0‑2) (2 abstentions

���������������������� were Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 46 (1948) of 17 April 1948 [Adopted at 283rd meeting (9‑0‑2) (2 abstentions

���������������������� were Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 48 (1948) of 23 April 1948 [Adopted at 287th meeting (8‑0‑3) (3 abstentions

���������������������� were Colombia, Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 49 (1948) of 22 May 1948 [Adopted at 302nd meeting (8‑0‑3) (3 abstentions

���������������������� were Syria, Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 50 (1948) of 29 May 1948 [Adopted at 310th meeting (Draft was voted on in

���������������������� parts, no vote taken on text as a whole.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 53 (1948) of 7 July 1948 [Adopted at 331st meeting (8‑0‑3) (3 >abstentions

���������������������� were Syria, Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 54 (1948) of 15 July 1948 [Adopted at 338th meeting (7‑1‑3) (1 against was

���������������������� Syria, 3 abstentions were Argentina, Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 56 (1948) of 19 August 1948 [Adopted at 354th meeting (Draft was voted on in

���������������������� parts, no vote taken on the text as a whole.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 57 (1948) of 18 September 1948 [Adopted at 358th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 59 (1948) of 19 October 1948 [Adopted at 367th meeting ‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 60 (1948) of 29 October 1948 [Adopted at 375th meeting (without a vote)]

���������������������� UNSCR 61 (1948) of 4 November 1948 [Adopted at 377th meeting (9‑1‑1) (1 against

���������������������� was Ukrainian S.S.R.; 1 abstention was U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 62 (1948) of 16 November 1948 [Adopted at 381st meeting (Draft was voted on

���������������������� in parts, no vote taken on the text as a whole.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 66 (1948) of 29 December 1948 [Adopted at 396th meeting (8‑0‑3) (3

���������������������� abstentions were Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R., U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 69 (1949) of 4 March 1949 [Adopted at 414th meeting (9‑1‑1) (1 against was

���������������������� Egypt, 1 abstention was U.K.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 72 (1949) of 11 August 1949 [Adopted at 437th meeting (without vote)]

���������������������� UNSCR 73 (1949) of 11 August 1949 [Adopted at 437th meeting (9‑0‑2) (2 abstentions

���������������������� were Ukrainian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 101 (1953) of 24 November 1953 [Adopted at 642nd meeting (9‑0‑2) (2

���������������������� abstentions were Lebanon, U.S.S.R.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 89 (1950) of 17 November 1950 [Adopted at 524th meeting (10‑0‑2) (2

���������������������� abstentions were Egypt, U.S.S.R.)]

���� �����������������UNSCR 119 (1956) of 31 October 1956 [Adopted at 751st meeting (7‑2‑2) (2 against

���������������������� were France, U.K., 2 abstentions were Australia, Belgium)]

���������������������� UNSCR 127 (1958) of 22 January 1958 [Adopted at 810th meeting � unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 162 (1961) of 11 April 1961 [Adopted at 949th meeting (8‑0‑3) (3 abstentions

���������������������� were Ceylon, U.S.S.R., United Arab Republic)

���������������������� UNSCR 228 (1966) of 25 November 1966 [Adopted at 1328th meeting (14‑01) (1

���������������������� abstention was New Zealand)]

���������������������� UNSCR 233 (1967) of 6 June 1967 [Adopted at 1348th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 234 (1967) of 7 June 1967 [Adopted at 1350th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 237 (1967) of 14 June 1967 [Adopted at 1361st meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967 [Adopted 1382nd meeting ‑unanimously]

�������������� ��������UNSCR 248 (1968) of 24 March 1968 [Adopted at 1407th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 250 (1968) of 27 April 1968 [Adopted at 1417th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR No. 251 (1968) of 2 May 1968 [Adopted at 1420th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR No. 252 (1968) of 21 May 1968 [Adopted at 1426th meeting (13‑0‑2) (2

���������������������� abstentions were Canada, U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 259 (1968) of 27 September 1968 [Adopted at 1454th meeting (12‑0‑3) (3

���������������������� abstentions were Canada, Denmark, U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 267 (1969) of 3 July 1969 [Adopted at 1485th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 271 (1969) of 15 September 1969 [Adopted at 1512th meeting (11‑0‑4) (4

���������������������� abstentions were Colombia, Finland, Paraguay, U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 298 (1971) of 25 September 1971 [Adopted at 1582nd meeting (14‑0‑1)(1

���������������������� abstention was Syria)]

���������������������� UNSCR 331 (1973) of 20 April 1973 [Adopted at 1710th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973 [Adopted at 1747th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 339 (1973) of 23 October 1973 [Adopted at 1748th meeting (14‑0‑0) (China

���������������������� did not vote)]

���������������������� UNSCR 344 (1973) of 15 December 1973 [Adopted at 1760th meeting (10‑0‑4) (4

���������������������� abstentions were France, U.S.S.R., U.K., U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 381 (1975) of 30 November 1975 [Adopted at 1856th meeting (13‑0‑0) (China

���������������������� and Iraq did not vote)]

���������������������� UNSCR 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 [Adopted at 2074th meeting (12‑0‑2) (2

���������������������� abstentions were Czechoslovakia and U.S.S.R., China did not participate in the voting)]

���������������������� UNSCR 446 (1979) of 22 March 1979 [Adopted at 2134th meeting (12‑0‑3) (3

���������������������� abstentions were Norway, U.K., U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 452 (1979) of 20 July 1979 [Adopted at 2159th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 465 (1980) of 1 March 1980 [Adopted at 2203rd meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 468 (1980) of 8 May 1980 [Adopted at 2221st meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 469 (1980) of 20 May 1980 [Adopted at 2223rd meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

� ��������������������was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 471 (1980) of 5 June 1980 [Adopted at 2226th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 476 (1980) of 30 June 1980 [Adopted at 2242nd meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 478 (1980) of 20 August 1980 [Adopted at 2245th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� >abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 484 (1980) of 19 December 1980 [Adopted 2260th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 500 (1982) of 28 January 1982 [Adopted at 2330th meeting (13‑0‑2) (2

���������������������� abstentions were U.K., U.S.)] UNSCR 508 (1982) of 5 June 1982 [Adopted at 2374th

���� �����������������meeting �unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 509 (1982) of 6 June 1982 [Adopted at 2375th meeting � unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 512 (1982) of 19 June 1982 [Adopted at 2380th meeting � unanimously]

��������������� �������UNSCR 513 (1982) of 4 July 1982 [Adopted at 2382nd meeting � unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 515 (1982) of 29 July 1982 [Adopted at 2385th meeting (14‑0‑0) (U.S. did not

���������������������� vote)

���������������������� UNSCR 516 (1982) of 1 August 1982 [Adopted at 2386th meeting � unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 517 (1982) of 4 August 1982 [Adopted at 2389th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 518 (1982) of 12 August 1982 [Adopted at 2392nd meeting � unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 520 (1982) of 17 September 1982 [Adopted at 2395th meeting � >unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 521 (1982) of 19 September 1982 [Adopted 2396th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 573 (1985) of 4 October 1985 [Adopted at 2615th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)

���������������������� UNSCR 592 (1986) of 8 December 1986 [Adopted at 2727th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������� ������������>abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 605 (1987) of 22 December 1987 [Adopted at 2777th meeting (14‑0‑1) >(1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 607 (1988) of 5 January 1988 [Adopted at 2780th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 608 (1988) of 14 January 1988 [Adopted at 2781st meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 611 (1988) of 25 April 1988 [Adopted at 2810th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 636 (1989) of 6 July 1989 [Adopted at 2870th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1 abstention

���������������������� was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 641 (1989) of 30 August 1989 [Adopted at 2883rd meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 672 (1990) of 12 October 1990 [Adopted at 2948th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 673 (1990) of 24 October 1990 [Adopted at 2949th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 681 (1990) of 20 December 1990 [Adopted at 2970th meeting ‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 694 (1991) of 24 May 1991 [Adopted at 2989th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������� ������UNSCR 726 (1992) of 6 January 1992 [Adopted at 3026th meeting ‑ unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 799 (1992) of 18 December 1992 [Adopted at 3151st meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 904 (1994) of 18 March 1994 [Adopted at 3351st meeting � unanimously (Draft

���������������������� was voted on in parts, with the U.S. abstaining on two preambular paragraphs. No vote

���������������������� was taken on the text as a whole.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 1073 (1996) of 28 September 1996 [Adopted at 3698th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

���������������������� UNSCR 1322 (2000) of 7 October 2000 Adopted at 4205th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was U.S.)]

������������� ���������UNSCR 1397 (2002) of 12 March 2002 [Adopted at 4304th meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

���������������������� abstention was the Syrian Arab Republic)]

���������������������� UNSCR 1402 (2002) of 30 March 2002 [Adopted at 4503 rd meeting (14‑0‑1) (1

������ ���������������abstention was the Syrian Arab Republic)]

���������������������� UNSCR 1403 (2002) of 4 April 2002 [Adopted at 4506 th meeting‑unanimously]

���������������������� UNSCR 1405 (2002) of 19 April 2002 [Adopted at 4516th meeting‑unanimously]

������������������������ Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not

������������������������������������������������ represent Al‑Jazeerah's.

Reference Materials